Garden Designers
Garden design is something that is very close to our hearts. Over 10 years ago, having taken over the management of the large gardens around College Hill House in County Meath we were delighted with the variety of styles that we could accommodate in the more than 4 acres that they cover. If you walk around the grounds of College Hill House you will see eveything from a terraced patio area to a concealed vegetable garden, from open lawns to graveled walkways.
While we are definitely garden designers we often joke that with the amount of training and qualifications we have received while improving our skills over the years we could as easily be called horticultural architects.
We work to make our designs environamentally friendly and sustainable by the client. When working with us if you a client that wants to help the local wildlife, getting a garden with an old fashioned meadow feel is definitely a possibility.
Our Services
We can offer both design and build for our clients in the Meath, Louth, Dublin, Cavan areas as we have an expert team of landscape gardeners. Of course, if you just want your garden to be designed by our expert we can accommodate you much further afield. Our garden designs can be refreshing and innovative, traditional and stylish, modern and unique. Our experience allows us to design your future garden to be most suitable for your tastes.
We also offer gardening classes and help to arrange the gardening tours around the fantastic College Hill House grounds.